@extends('layouts.admin') @section('content')
Note: If any instructor cancel his/her booking consultation. Admin need to back money manually. After manually back money, admin can send money status change No to Yes
@foreach($bookingHistories as $bookingHistory) @endforeach
{{ __('SL') }}. {{ __('Student Details') }} {{__('Instructor')}} {{ __('Slot Details') }} {{ __('Admin Commission') }} {{ __('Instructor Commission') }} {{ __('Total Back Money') }} {{ __('Status') }} {{ __('Send Back Money') }}
{{ $bookingHistory->id }}

{{ __('Name') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->user->student->name }}

{{ __('Email') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->user->email }}

{{ __('Phone Number') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->user->student->phone_number }}

{{ __('Name') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->instructorUser->instructor->name }}

{{ __('Email') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->instructorUser->email }}

{{ __('Phone Number') }}
: {{ @$bookingHistory->instructorUser->instructor->phone_number }}

{{ __('Date') }}: {{ $bookingHistory->date }}
{{ __('Time') }}: {{ @$bookingHistory->time }}
@if($bookingHistory->send_back_money_status == 1) {{ $bookingHistory->back_admin_commission }} @else @if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{@$bookingHistory->order_item->admin_commission}} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{@$bookingHistory->order_item->admin_commission}} @endif @endif @if($bookingHistory->send_back_money_status == 1) {{ $bookingHistory->back_owner_balance }} @else @if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{@$bookingHistory->order_item->owner_balance}} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{@$bookingHistory->order_item->owner_balance}} @endif @endif @if($bookingHistory->send_back_money_status == 1) {{ ($bookingHistory->back_admin_commission ?? 0) + ($bookingHistory->back_owner_balance ?? 0) }} @else @php $total = @$bookingHistory->order_item->admin_commission + @$bookingHistory->order_item->owner_balance @endphp @if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $total }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $total }} @endif @endif @if($bookingHistory->status == BOOKING_HISTORY_STATUS_APPROVE) {{ __('Approved') }} @elseif($bookingHistory->status == BOOKING_HISTORY_STATUS_CANCELLED) {{ __('Cancelled') }} @elseif($bookingHistory->status == BOOKING_HISTORY_STATUS_COMPLETED) {{ __('Completed') }} @else {{ __('Pending') }} @endif @if($bookingHistory->send_back_money_status == SEND_BACK_MONEY_STATUS_YES) {{ __('Yes') }} @else @endif
@endsection @push('style') @endpush @push('script') @endpush