@extends('frontend.layouts.app') @php $relation = getUserRoleRelation($course->user); @endphp @section('meta') @endsection @section('content')

{{ __($course->title) }}

{{ __($course->subtitle) }}

{{ @$course->user->$relation->name }} @if(get_instructor_ranking_level(@$course->user->badges)) | {{ get_instructor_ranking_level(@$course->user->badges) }} @endif

{{ number_format($course->average_rating, 1) }}
({{ $total_user_review }}) {{ @$course->orderItems->count() }} {{ __('Students') }}
@include('frontend.course.partial.partial-overview-tab') @include('frontend.course.partial.partial-curriculum-tab') @include('frontend.course.partial.partial-discussion-tab') @include('frontend.course.partial.partial-review-tab') @include('frontend.course.partial.partial-instructor-tab')
@if($course->intro_video_check == 1 && getVideoFile($course->video)) @endif @if($course->intro_video_check == 2 && $course->youtube_video_id) @endif
@if($course->learner_accessibility == 'paid')
@if(now()->gt($startDate) && now()->lt($endDate))

@if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $discount_price }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $discount_price }} @endif @if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $course->price }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $course->price }} @endif

{{ getLeftDuration($startDate, $endDate) }} {{ __('Left at this Price') }}!
{{ @$percentage }} % {{ __("off") }}
@elseif($course->price <= $course->old_price)

@if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $course->price }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $course->price }} @endif @if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $course->old_price }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $course->old_price }} @endif

@php $percentage = number_format(((($course->old_price - $course->price) / $course->old_price) * 100), 2); @endphp
{{ $percentage }} % {{ __("off") }}

@if(get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{ $course->price }} {{ get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ get_currency_symbol() }} {{ $course->price }} @endif

@elseif($course->learner_accessibility == 'free')

{{ __('Free') }}

  • {{ __('Course Duration') }}
    @if($course->course_type == COURSE_TYPE_GENERAL)
    {{ @$course->VideoDuration }}
    {{ @$course->scorm_course->duration }}
  • {{ __('Course Level') }}
    {{ @$course->difficultyLevel->name }}
  • {{ __('Student Enrolled') }}
    {{ @$total_course_students }}
  • {{ __('Language') }}
    {{ @$course->language->name }}
@if($course_exits == 'enrolled') {{ __('Go to Course') }} @elseif($course_exits == 'cartList') @else @if($course->status == STATUS_APPROVED) @if($course->learner_accessibility != 'free' && get_option('cashback_system_mode', 0))
{{ __("Get Cashback") }}
{{ __("By purchasing this product, you will get")}} @if($currencyPlacement ?? get_currency_placement() == 'after') {{calculateCashback($course->price) }} {{ $currencySymbol ?? get_currency_symbol() }} @else {{ $currencySymbol ?? get_currency_symbol() }} {{calculateCashback($course->price) }} @endif {{ __("cashback") }}.
@endif @else @endif @endif @if(get_option('course_gift_mode', 0))

{{ __("Gift this course") }}

{{ __("Send this course as a gift to your friends") }}

{{ __('This Course Includes') }}
    @if($course->course_type == COURSE_TYPE_GENERAL)
  • {{@$course->lectures->count() > 0 ? @$course->video_duration : '0'}} {{ __('Video Lectures') }}
  • @endif
  • {{ @$course->quizzes->count() }} {{ __('Quizzes') }}
  • {{ @$course->assignments->count() }} {{ __('Assignments') }}
  • {{ @$course->resources->count() }} {{ __('Downloadable Resources') }}
  • {{ (!$course->access_period) ? __('Full Lifetime Access') : $course->access_period.' '.__('days after the enrollment') }}
  • {{ __('Certificate of Completion') }}
@if(@Auth::user() && Auth::user()->is_affiliator == AFFILIATOR && get_option('referral_status')) @endif
@endsection @push('style') @endpush @push('script') @endpush