@extends('layouts.instructor') @section('breadcrumb')


@endsection @section('content')
{{ __('All Booking History') }}
@foreach($bookingHistoryUpcoming as $upcoming) @endforeach
{{__('Student Name')}} {{__('Date')}} {{__('Time')}} {{__('Hours')}} {{__('Type')}} {{__('View')}} {{__('Action')}}
{{ @$upcoming->user->student->name }}
{{ $upcoming->date }} {{ $upcoming->time }} {{ $upcoming->duration }} @if($upcoming->type == 1) {{ __('In-person') }} @elseif($upcoming->type == 2) {{ __('Online') }} @endif
@if($upcoming->type == 1)
{{ __('Student Details') }}

{{ __('Name') }}
: {{ @$upcoming->user->student->name }}

{{ __('Email') }}
: {{ @$upcoming->user->email }}

{{ __('Phone Number') }}
: {{ @$upcoming->user->student->phone_number }}

@elseif($upcoming->type == 2)
{{ __('How to Join The Call?') }}

{{ __('If you want to join online call. You need to create link using below meeting host.') }}

@if(@$upcoming->meeting_host_name == 'zoom')
{{ __('Start Meeting Now') }}
@elseif(@$upcoming->meeting_host_name == 'bbb')
{{ __('Start Meeting Now') }}
@elseif(@$upcoming->meeting_host_name == 'jitsi')
{{ __('Start Meeting Now') }}
@elseif(@$upcoming->meeting_host_name == 'gmeet')
{{ __('Start Meeting Now') }}
@elseif(@$upcoming->meeting_host_name == 'agora')
{{ __('Start Meeting Now') }}
@if ($errors->has('meeting_host_name')) {{ $errors->first('meeting_host_name') }} @endif
@if(zoom_status() == 1) @endif @if(get_option('jitsi_status') == 1) @endif @if(get_option('bbb_status') == 1) @endif
@if(@$bookingHistoryUpcoming->hasPages()) {{ @$bookingHistoryUpcoming->links('frontend.paginate.paginate') }} @endif
@foreach($bookingHistoryCompleted as $completed) @endforeach
{{__('Student Name')}} {{__('Date')}} {{__('Time')}} {{__('Hours')}} {{__('Type')}} {{__('Status')}}
{{ @$completed->user->student->name }}
{{ $completed->date }} {{ $completed->time }} {{ $completed->duration }} @if($completed->type == 1) In-person @elseif($completed->type == 2) Online @endif @if($completed->status == 2) {{ __('Cancel') }} @elseif($completed->status == 3) {{ __('Completed') }} @endif
@if(@$bookingHistoryCompleted->hasPages()) {{ @$bookingHistoryCompleted->links('frontend.paginate.paginate') }} @endif
@foreach($bookingHistoryCancelled as $cancelled) @endforeach
{{__('Student Name')}} {{__('Date')}} {{__('Time')}} {{__('Hours')}} {{__('Type')}} {{__('Status')}} {{__('View')}}
{{ @$cancelled->user->student->name }}
{{ $cancelled->date }} {{ $cancelled->time }} {{ $cancelled->duration }} @if($cancelled->type == 1) {{ __('In-person') }} @elseif($cancelled->type == 2) {{ __('Online') }} @endif @if($cancelled->status == 2) {{ __('Cancel') }} @elseif($cancelled->status == 3) {{ __('Completed') }} @endif
{{ __('Cancel Reason?') }}

{{ $cancelled->cancel_reason }}

@if(@$bookingHistoryCancelled->hasPages()) {{ @$bookingHistoryCancelled->links('frontend.paginate.paginate') }} @endif
@endsection @push('script') @endpush