@extends('layouts.instructor') @section('breadcrumb')


@endsection @section('content')
{{ __('Are you available for 1 to 1 consultation?') }}
consultation_available == 1) checked @endif type="radio" id="inlineCheckbox1" value="1" name="consultation_available">
consultation_available != 1) checked @endif type="radio" id="inlineCheckbox2" value="0" name="consultation_available">
{{ __('Available type for 1 to 1 consultation?') }}
available_type == 1) checked @endif type="radio" id="inlineCheckbox3" value="1" name="available_type">
available_type == 2) checked @endif type="radio" id="inlineCheckbox4" value="2" name="available_type">
available_type == 3) checked @endif type="radio" id="inlineCheckbox5" value="3" name="available_type">
{{ __('Consultancy Area') }}
@foreach (CONSULTANCY_AREA_ARRAY as $key => $consultancyArea)
consultancy_area == $key) checked @endif type="radio" id="consultancyArea{{ $key }}" value="{{ $key }}" name="consultancy_area">
@if ($errors->has('hourly_rate')) {{ $errors->first('hourly_rate') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('hourly_old_rate')) {{ $errors->first('hourly_old_rate') }} @endif
is_offline == INSTRUCTOR_IS_OFFLINE ? 'checked' : '' }}>
{{ __('If you put your account offline, a message will be displayed in your profile and it will be noticed to users. You can type a personalized message in the following input.') }}
is_subscription_enable == STATUS_ACCEPTED ? 'checked' : '' }}>
{{ __('Your Time Slot List') }}
{{ __('Days') }} {{ __('Action') }}
{{ __('Saturday') }}
{{ __('Sunday') }}
{{ __('Monday') }}
{{ __('Tuesday') }}
{{ __('Wednesday') }}
{{ __('Thursday') }}
{{ __('Friday') }}
@endsection @push('script') @endpush