@extends('layouts.organization') @section('breadcrumb')

{{__('Upload Course')}}

@endsection @section('content')
  • {{ __('Course Overview') }}
  • {{ __('Upload Video') }}
  • {{ __('Instructor') }}
  • {{ __('Submit process') }}
{{ __('Category & Tags') }}
@if ($errors->has('category_id')) {{ $errors->first('category_id') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('subcategory_id')) {{ $errors->first('subcategory_id') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('tag')) {{ $errors->first('tag') }} @endif
{{ __('Learners Accessibility & others') }}
{{ __('If you select as upcoming then it will be show as upcoming in frontend after approval.') }}
@if($course->course_type == COURSE_TYPE_GENERAL)
{{ dripTypeHelpText(DRIP_SHOW_ALL) }}
{{ dripTypeHelpText(DRIP_SEQUENCE) }}
{{ dripTypeHelpText(DRIP_AFTER_DAY) }}
{{ dripTypeHelpText(DRIP_UNLOCK_DATE) }}
{{ dripTypeHelpText(DRIP_PRE_IDS) }}
@if ($errors->has('access_period')) {{ $errors->first('access_period') }} @endif
{{ __('Enrollment will expire after this number of days. Set 0 for no expiration') }}
@if ($errors->has('price')) {{ $errors->first('price') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('old_price')) {{ $errors->first('old_price') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('course_language_id')) {{ $errors->first('course_language_id') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('difficulty_level_id')) {{ $errors->first('difficulty_level_id') }} @endif
@if($course->image) @else @endif image) required @endif>


@if ($errors->has('image')) {{ $errors->first('image') }} @endif

{{ __('Recomended image format & size') }}: 575px X 450px (1MB)

{{ __('Accepted image filetype') }}: jpg, jpeg, png

intro_video_check == 1 ? 'checked' : ''}} id="video_check" class="intro_video_check" name="intro_video_check" value="1">
intro_video_check == 2 ? 'checked' : ''}} id="youtube_check" class="intro_video_check" name="intro_video_check" value="2">
@endif @if($course->youtube_video_id)
@endif @if ($errors->has('video')) {{ $errors->first('video') }} @endif
@endsection @push('style') @endpush @push('script') @endpush